The Papierwehr on the Gera in the south of the city of Erfurt marks the beginning of the Flutgraben, which has reliably protected the city centre from flooding since its construction at the end of the 19th century. At the Papierwehr, the runoff is divided between the original Stadtgera and the flood channel. However, significant flooding regularly occurs in the backwater area of the Papierwehr during high water, which, in the case of rare events, also endangers areas of Erfurt's city centre via the right-hand foreshore. To counter this risk, the fixed weir sill is to be lowered by 1.5 m. To do this, the weir bridge, the central pillar and the weir base (in part) will be dismantled and replaced by a new weir superstructure consisting of three weir fields. At the same time, the river bed above the weir will be deepened over a length of approx. 300 m.
Client: Thüringer Landesamt für Umwelt, Bergbau und Naturschutz (TLUBN, formerly TLUG)
Processing period: 2014 – 2025
Main data:
Maximum water level: 199.70 metres above mean sea level
Bottom of the stilling basin: 195.76 metres above mean sea level
Width of the weir overflow: 30 metres
Closures: 1x lifting gate with attached flap, 2x lifting gate
Architectural and engineering services, LP 1 to 9 HOAI, for the conversion of the weir system, the deepening of the water
of the river bed in the headwater to increase the discharge capacity and to establish ecological continuity
Structural engineering LP 1 to 6 HOAI
Tendering, awarding and supervising the subsoil investigation and the design survey
Construction condition investigation
EIA preliminary examination, LBP, species protection legal expert opinion