Fload and coastal protection

Lützendorfer Straße residential area in Weimar, complex development

Wohngebiet Lützendorfer Straße in Weimar

The former military WGT property in the area of development plan B KAS 01 "Ettersburger Straße/Lützendorfer Straße" is being developed into a residential area of approx. 18 hectares as part of a conversion programme. The first construction phase was completed in 2018.

Client: Landes­entwicklungs­gesellschaft Thüringen mbH, Kommunalservice Weimar, Stadt Weimar, Stadtwerke Weimar

Processing period: 2016 – ongoing

Main data:
Area: 18 ha
Carriageway: 10,800 m²
Drainage in separate system
RW sewers up to DN 700: 3,100 m
SW sewers up to DN 300: 2,800 m
Rainwater retention basin, capacity: 1,100 m³
Drinking water pipes up to DN 80 2: 400 m
Extinguishing water tanks: 2 x 100 m³
Civil engineering services for district heating/electricity

Construction of traffic facilities including lighting
Sewage disposal (wastewater and rainwater)
Drinking water supply
Extinguishing water supply