With an investment volume of around 600 million Euro, the Inn joint power plant is the largest new run-of-river power plant to be built in the Alpine region for many years.
The new GKI diversion hydropower plant is located on the upper Inn River on the Swiss-Austrian border between the municipalities of Tschlin (Switzerland) and Prutz (Austria). With an annual generation of 414 GWh, the power plant covers the electricity consumption of around 90,000 households.
The entire project extends over a length of around 25 kilometres. The headrace water is taken from the Inn at the Ovella weir and fed to the powerhouse via an approx. 23 km long headrace tunnel. There, two Francis turbines, each with a capacity of 49 MW, process the headrace water before it is returned to the Inn via an approximately 300 m long covered underwater channel.
Tractebel Hydroprojekt prepared all the design documents for the Ovella weir system with headrace intake and doping power plant as well as for the Prutz powerhouse and the accompanying flood protection measures in Martina.
Client: Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Inn GmbH
Processing period: 2014 - 2022
Main data:
Weir system; headrace intake and 2.1 MW doping power station (s-turbine)
Headrace tunnel (length/Ø): 23 km/5.8 m
Net head: 161 m
Flow rate: 75 m³/s
2 Francis turbines: 2 x 49 MW
Implementation planning (property and structural planning)
Tender documents for finishing trades
Safety and health coordination
As-built planning, collauding planning