The planned flood retention Öberauer Schleife is located in a former Danube loop, which was cut off from the Danube federal waterway during the construction of the Straubing barrage. An area of approx. 525 ha is to be used for the construction of the flood retention system. The Öberauer Schleife will be flooded via an adjustable intake structure on the Danube. Discharge will mainly take place via an outlet structure to the Kößnach outlet, which flows into the Danube below the Straubing barrage. The project area is part of the Natura 2000 protected area system and contains other protected areas, sensitive species and biotopes.
Client: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Deggendorf
Processing period: 2015 – ongoing
Main data:
Polder volume: approx. 15 million m³
approx. 5.3 km repair/raising of dykes, approx. 2 km new dyke construction,
approx. 0.2 km object protection, approx. 1.2 km dyke removal, approx. 2.8 km road/path raising incl. new construction of a relief section
One inlet, one outlet and one connecting structure, three sluices, three culvert structures and several culverts (also ecological)
a pressure channel for residual discharge
approx. 800 m elevation of a district road (western bypass) and approx. 2 km elevation of access roads to/in the Öberau polder
In-depth variant analysis
Planning services LP 1 to 4 HOAI for object, open space, traffic and structural planning as well as technical equipment
Preliminary EIA assessment and scoping document as well as EIA report
LBP and upstream measures concept
FFH/SPA impact and compatibility studies, exception tests
Special species protectionlegal assessment incl. exception test
Specialist contribution to the Water Framework Directive