The controlled basin is located directly above the spa town of Wippra in the district of Mansfeld-Südharz, protects 21 villages from flooding and is the central component of the flood protection concept (HWSK) for the Wipper. The barrier structure consists of a dam with an ecologically continuous culvert structure in which the operational outlets and spillways are integrated. A quarry in the Wipper valley approx. 2 km upstream of the barrier was excavated for the extraction of the supporting material.
Client: Talsperrenbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt
Processing period: 2013 – 2020 (LP 9 until 2025)
Main data:
Waters: Wipper
crown length: 190 m
Max. dam height: 17 m
Dam capacity: 160,000 m³
Retention volume at HQ100: 4.25 million m³
General planner from implementation planning including updating of the design with monitoring of model tests for the new construction of the flood retention basin, planning, stability analyses and geotechnical construction supervision including metrological monitoring for the quarry
On-site construction supervision