Fload and coastal protection

Controlled flooding polder Außig

Flutungspolder Außig
Flutungspolder Außig
Flutungspolder Außig
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Based on the results of the Elbe flood protection concept, the construction of a controlled flood polder is planned on the left bank of the river near the village of Außig. In addition to the reinforcement of existing dykes, a barrier structure and dyke in the Dahle and the neighbouring Dahle floodplain north of the village of Seydewitz is also planned. The technical planning of the flood protection system will be supplemented by extensive environmental and nature conservation planning services in order to ensure that the project can be approved in the planning approval procedure.

Client: Landestalsperren­verwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen

Processing period: 2010 – ongoing, planning approval in 2021

Main data:
Polder volume: approx. 11 million m³
Repair/raising of dykes: approx. 8,800 m
New dyke construction: approx. 1,850 m
1 inlet and outlet structure
Several sluices
1 inlet and barrier structure
1 pumping station
Study area: 809 ha

Project planning for engineering structures
Project planning for open spaces (incl. completion/development maintenance)
Landscape conservation plan, AFB
Preliminary EIA assessment, design survey
Coordination and supervision of site investigation
Structural analysis demolition planning for bridge (weir)
Hydraulic calculation on 2D model