
Keyline design concept - Kannawurf area

Konzept Kannawurf
Konzept Kannawurf
Konzept Kannawurf

The study area is located between the wooded Hainleite mountain range and the town of Kannawurf (district of Sömmerda), in the valley of the Wipper and Unstrut rivers.

The IBA Thuringia is pursuing the real-world laboratory approach. It wants to experiment with new approaches and showcase model projects of change by the presentation year 2023.

Under the leadership of landscape planners from Green4Cities GmbH (Vienna), a climate-friendly model with new management methods, crops, conversions and other measures will be developed together with local stakeholders and decision-makers for the (agricultural) economy. The main objectives are to reduce topsoil loss through erosion, increase the water storage capacity of the soil and significantly increase the resilience of the landscape to heavy rainfall events and prolonged drought.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed measures, Tractebel Hydroprojekt created a surface model of the study area. This model was used to analyse the effects of the measures on surface runoff in the event of heavy rainfall. To this end, calculations were carried out of the wild runoff water both for the current state and for the state after implementation of the measures. It was demonstrated that the measures will lead to a lower runoff peak and a reduction in soil erosion.

Client: Internationale Bauausstellung Thüringen GmbH (IBA)

Processing period: 2019 - 2020

Main data:
Two catchment areas
Total model area: 16.8 km²
Precipitation measuring station Etzleben
Height difference: approx. 120 m
U-area: Sloping areas with hilltops
600 ha winter wheat
300 ha winter barley
100 ha maize and sugar beet cultivation

Structure of NA/HN model current status
Structure of the NA/HN model 2030 according to the keyline design concept
Rainfall-runoff calculations with Hydro_AS-2D for HQ30 for four plan scenarios
Creation of surface erosion maps
Quantitative assessment of runoff and retention/evaporation
Statements on the temporal behaviour
Presentation/identification of weaknesses and potentials