According to the FFH impact assessment, the construction of the Strassberg flood retention basin (HRB) on the River Selke will have a significant negative impact on the conservation objectives of the FFH area "Selketal und Bergwiesen bei Stiege". In order to maintain the coherence of the Natura 2000 network, measures in accordance with Article 6(4) of the Habitats Directive must be taken to compensate for negative impacts on this protected area network. After an intensive site search based on the specific requirements for the future location of the measures, a straightened section of the Selke above Gatersleben was selected as the site for the measures.
Client: Talsperrenbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt
Processing period: 2015 - 2019, Planfeststellung 2021, Ausführungsplanung ab 2022
Main data:
Creation of an initial channel over 1.43 km
Overflow sill in the inlet area
Preservation of the old course as an oxbow lake
Engineering biological safeguards
Planting of softwood and hardwood floodplain species, seeding with organic seeds
Relocation of cycle path
Outdoor facilities planning and engineering structures
Hydraulic calculation on 2D model
Landscape care plan
Species protection specialist contribution
FFH impact assessment
Land acquisition plans
Process support