
Leibis/Lichte dam

Talsperre Leibis/Lichte

The Leibis/Lichte dam is the second largest dam in Germany and is used to supply drinking water in eastern Thuringia. The dam system consists of the main dam and the Deesbach reservoir. The raw water discharge and the ecologically required minimum discharge are used to generate energy.

Client: Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung

Processing period: 1995 – 2010

Main data:
Catchment area: 72.0 km²
Design flood HQ1000: 86.5 m³/s
Total storage capacity: 40.6 million m³
Ordinary flood retention area: 5.6 million m³
Wall height above foundation base: 102.5 m
Crown length: 369 m
Wall width at the base: 80.6 m
Structure volume: 620,000 m³
Bottom outlet system: 3 steel pipes

General planner and local construction supervision for the new construction of:
Pre-dam, 26.00 m high rockfill dam with internal seal
Main dam as a concrete gravity dam
Subsurface sealing consisting of a double-row sealing curtain up to a maximum depth of 40 m
Spillway over the back of the wall with a spillway width of 20 m, a ski jump spillway at the foot of the wall and a shared stilling basin with the bottom outlets
Operating facilities with operating building