
Our employees possess many years of experience in the planning and supervision of the construction and renovation of dams, flood retention basins and weir systems. The latest developments in construction material technology and environmental legislation are taken into account. Reliability verifications for dams in accordance with DIN 19700 are created using modern 3D FEM programmes.


  • Dams
  • Dams
  • Flood retention basins
  • Weirs
Papierwehr Erfurt Hochwasser Flut

The Papierwehr on the Gera in the south of the city of Erfurt marks the beginning of the Flutgraben, which has reliably protected the city centre from flooding since its construction at the end of the 19th century. At the Papierwehr, the runoff is divided between the original Stadtgera and the flood channel. However, significant flooding regularly occurs in the backwater area of the Papierwehr…

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The Aabach dam in the district of Paderborn (North Rhine-Westphalia), which was commissioned in 1983, is located in the north-eastern foothills of the Sauerland region and has a catchment area of 34.8 km². The barrier structure is a zone dam with a mineral core seal and an upstream sealing carpet. It serves as a drinking water reservoir to supply around 250,000 inhabitants of the districts of…

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The dam on the Kuhschnappelbach is an earthfill dam with an inclined inner seal that serves as a flood protection facility and service water reservoir and is categorised as dam class 2 in accordance with DIN 19700-11. IGSE is the owner of the dam on the Kuhschnappelbach in St. Egidien. The total reservoir capacity is 109,000 m³ and the planned flood retention area (HWR) is 15,000 m³. Due to the…

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Kainzmühlsperre, Pumpspeicher, Wasserkraft

The Kainzmühl barrier is a concrete gravity dam in the Oberpfälzer Wald. As part of the Pfreimd power plant complex, it is the lower reservoir of the Tanzmühle pumped storage plant. 

The tendering process for the upcoming renovation was carried out from mid-September to December 2023. In January 2024, the construction contract "Renovation measures to ensure the structural safety of the Kainzmühl…

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Talsperre Leibis/Lichte

The Leibis/Lichte dam is the second largest dam in Germany and is used to supply drinking water in eastern Thuringia. The dam system consists of the main dam and the Deesbach reservoir. The raw water discharge and the ecologically required minimum discharge are used to generate energy.

Client: Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung

Processing period: 1995 – 2010

Main data:
Catchment area: 72.0 km²

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Talsperre Malter

The Malter dam was built between 1908 and 1913. It is located north of the town of Dippoldiswalde in the Eastern Ore Mountains. The dam is a gravity dam made of quarrystone masonry with a solid cross-section. The historic structure is primarily used for flood protection, local recreation and hydropower generation.

In order to restore flood safety, it is necessary to lower the collecting channel…

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Talsperre Klingenberg

The dam was put into operation in 1914. Its main purpose is to provide raw water and flood protection for the region and the state capital Dresden. The dam is an Intze gravity dam made of quarrystone masonry with a curved axis. Following damage caused by ageing and as a result of the 2002 flood, the complex was extensively refurbished between 2006 and 2013.

Client: Landestalsperren­verwaltung des…

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Talsperre Lichtenberg

The Lichtenberg dam was put into operation in 1975. It is used to supply drinking water, for flood protection and to raise low water levels. Urgent maintenance work is required on some components, in particular on the connection joint between the dam complex (KBW) and the asphalt surface seal (AOD). The measures on the connecting joint require the dam to be emptied. During this time, a costly…

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Wehr Großhesselohe

Stadtwerke München (SWM) operates the Großhesselohe weir facility built in the 1920s on the Isar in the south of Munich. A replacement for the weir system is intended to guarantee the functions of flood protection and water regulation in the future as well as create ecological continuity at the site.

The planning includes the new construction of the weir on the Isar with three new weir fields and…

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The Aabach dam, which is operated by the water board of the same name as a drinking water dam with a flood protection function, has a shaft overflow as a spillway. Current measurements show that the flood discharges at the dam can be safely discharged in design cases 1, 2 and 3 according to DIN 19700-11 from a hydromechanical and structural point of view. Even the discharge of larger events, such…

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