
Start of tunnelling in Forbach

Pumpspeicher, Pumpspeicherkraftwerk, Kraftwerk, Energiewende
Pumpspeicher, Pumpspeicherkraftwerk, Kraftwerk, Energiewende
Pumpspeicher, Pumpspeicherkraftwerk, Kraftwerk, Energiewende

The project team from our Munich business unit took the opportunity to be present at the celebration of the start of the tunneling for the expansion and modernisation of the Forbach pumped storage power plant, which is over 100 years old.

The project will create additional urgently needed storage capacity for the energy transition by 2027. In its final state, the power plant will be able to generate electricity for 30,000 households for 7 hours without interruption from the water stored in caverns or to compensate for fluctuations in the electricity grid over a longer period of time.

Tractebel Hydroprojekt is in charge of the planning consortium ‘Ingenieurarbeitsgemeinschaft Forbach’ and has been planning the project with its long-standing expertise together with its partners Tractebel Engineering and Geoconsult consulting engineers since the initial conceptual considerations.