
From 5 to 6 March 2020, the traditional Dresden Hydraulic Engineering Colloquium took place at the International Congress Center Dresden. The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technical Hydromechanics at the Technical University of Dresden, with the kind support of the Society of Sponsors of the Hubert Engels Institute, the DWA and the BWK, welcomed about 300 participants from Germany and…

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The new domicile of the business division Dresden

As of December 1, 2019, our Dresden division has moved to new offices on Mendelssohnallee 8 in 01309 Dresden. After 20 years at the previous location in Dresden's Ludwig-Hartmann-Straße, the move was required due to the cancellation by the landlord.

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A quality management system has been implemented throughout Tractebel Hydroprojekt GmbH since 1994. This has always been promptly adapted to the various further developments of the standard, most recently in 2017 to the currently valid DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

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Interior view of the powerhouse

The existing Gogo hydropower plant is located in the Migori district of southwestern Kenya at the Kuja River near Lake Victoria. The Gogo hydro power station, which was comissioned in 1958, has a drop height of about 20 m and a current design discharge of 11 m³/s. The current installed capacity of the powerplant is 2 MW.

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Marketing of the 1st construction phase and developed areas of the 2nd to 4th construction phase

Seven years have passed since the contribution in report No. 52 to the 2nd construction phase of the industrial area "Erfurter Kreuz". In the meantime, two further construction phases have been completed at the site of the largest industrial area in Thuringia. The construction work for the 3rd and 4th construction phases was tendered and awarded in nine procurement procedures throughout Europe.

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Construction department head Andreas Ludwig, municipal administrator Dirk Löwe, Minister for the Environment Ulrike Höfken, SGD Nord-Boss Ulrich Kleemann, Anja Reinermann-Matatko und Bernhard Hügle (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen), Alfred Weinandy (SGD Nord) und Members of the Landtag Arnold Schmitt (CDU) (Foto: Rainer Neubert/Trierischer Volksfreund)

Since November 2019, the Structural and Approval Directorate (SGD) Nord, Regional Office for Water Management, Waste Management and Soil Protection Trier has been continuing the construction work to upgrade the approximately 1.5 km long flood protection facility in Trier between the youth hostel and the access to the RATIO shopping centre. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on 11 November in…

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Installation of the Verkalit®-Cover

In October 2019, the city of Borkum acquired the flood protection system in the area of the former Borkum naval facility from the Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BImA). The entire flood protection system consists of a 1,100 m long flood defence wall, five dike swells and 1,400 m dike, the so-called "black dike".

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3D display of the ship loader and the transfer station at the Ottmarsheim site

The project with the sonic name "Long-term securing of the allowance in Iffezheim", or LSG for short, was already started in March 2014. Tractebel Hydroprojekt GmbH was commissioned by the then Waterways and Shipping Office Freiburg to design a conveyor system that would be able to supply approximately 8,600 tons of gravel per day from a storage area on German territory via the rest of the Rhine…

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Ceremonial traffic release

In 2014, the city of Meuselwitz commissioned Tractebel Hydroprojekt GmbH (THP) with planning services for flood protection in the Zipsendorf and Geschwister-Scholl-Straße area. In April 2018, the construction implementation of the flood protection measures planned by THP began. In July 2019, the main work of the project was successfully completed.

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[Translate to English:] Abbildung 1: Prüfaufbau schematisch

In the shaft of the detour tunnel of the Malter Dam, a steel staircase anchored to the shaft wall was installed in spring 2019, leading approximately 23 meters into the depth.

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