
Flood protection Eisenach - continuation of construction work

Vorlandabtrag und Schalungsarbeiten für die neue HWS-Wand

Vorlandabtrag und Schalungsarbeiten für die neue HWS-Wand

Geländeprofilierung im Bereich des Opel-Werkes

Geländeprofilierung im Bereich des Opel-Werkes

After the implementation of the complex of measures (MK) I for flood protection of the city of Eisenach on the Hörsel in the years 2015 to 2019, the work on MK II began in December 2020, which is to be completed in 2023 according to the construction contract. The aim is to protect the urban area of Eisenach and the industrial and infrastructure facilities located there from rare flood events on the Hörsel.

The client is the Free State of Thuringia, represented by the Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation (TLUBN) based in Jena. Following a Europe-wide invitation to tender, Tractebel Hydroprojekt GmbH was initially commissioned with the planning of work phases 1 to 4 of the HOAI (Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers) and, once the respective planning approval decisions were available (for MK I and MK II separately), with the respective implementation planning, construction management and local construction supervision.

MK II, which is currently under construction, extends from river km 3+950 to 6+780, i.e. 2.830 km on both sides along the Hörsel. It mainly comprises the following measures: Deconstruction of existing dikes, construction of new dikes and HWS walls, foreshore removal and terrain modeling, construction of new bank and embankment protections as well as maintenance and cycle paths, construction of new structures such as sluices and outlets as well as structures in and on supply facilities, relocation of a drinking water pipeline, construction of new ecological structural measures, establishment of passability in the watercourse as well as new planting of woody plants and other landscaping measures. Further sections in the Eisenach area are the measure complexes III, IV (Hörsel) and V (Nesse). Of these, measure complex III is currently in the execution planning stage and measure complex IV is in the basic assessment/preliminary planning stage. The aim is to improve flood protection in the area of the city of Eisenach.

Steffen Hagenloch - Weimar