
Baden-Baden invests in protection against century floods

Foto: Stadt Baden-Baden/Fachgebiet Tiefbau

Foto: Stadt Baden-Baden/Fachgebiet Tiefbau

Bei Extremwetter kann der Wasserspiegel der Oos gefährlich stark ansteigen.

Bei Extremwetter kann der Wasserspiegel der Oos gefährlich stark ansteigen. Tractebel Hydroprojekt plant und überwacht den Bau von Schutzmaßnahmen im Stadtgebiet von Baden-Baden. (Foto: Stadt Baden-Baden/Fachgebiet Tiefbau)

Mitigating the consequences of climate change: Tractebel Hydroprojekt is planning extensive measures to protect the city on the Oos River from a 100-year flood.

Baden-Baden has been affected by floods more frequently in recent years. This is because the Oos River, which crosses the city area, turns into a raging river during heavy rainfall in extreme cases. Due to its topographical location, the water level can rise sharply within a very short time. To protect residents, buildings, infrastructure and goods from this, the city invests in flood protection.

Our experts from Tractebel Hydroprojekt have been planning the construction phases BA2 to BA5 for the project since the end of March 2021. It includes flood protection for the entire city through the expansion of the Oos, the Grobbach and other tributaries.

The planning and construction will be carried out in several stages and includes more than 120 individual measures. These mainly involve raising existing walls, removing bottlenecks and redesigning the banks.

Tractebel Hydroprojekt initially deals with extensive hydraulic calculations and object planning in HOAI service phases 1 to 4 for BA 2 and service phases 1 to 2 for the other construction phases. First, our experts examine possible variants to determine a preferred solution, from which they then draw up the design planning. Later, they also prepare the documents for the public-law approval of the project. In the process, our flood experts use 3D planning technologies that can be incorporated into BIM planning methods.

The contract with the city provides for the engineers from Tractebel to be commissioned in stages, including construction supervision. This will then end in 2029 with the completion of effective flood protection for Baden-Baden.

"Through our work, we want to help ensure that the charming city of Baden-Baden and its residents are protected from the risks of a century flood in the future. Protection against the consequences of climate change is an important concern for Tractebel," says Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Stefan Reil, Fachbereichsleiter von Tractebel Hydroprojekt.